
Multi-hop Knowledge Graph Question Answering aims at finding an entity to answer natural language questions from knowledge graphs. When humans perform multi-hop reasoning, people tend to focus on specific relations across different hops and confirm the next entity. Therefore, most algorithms choose the wrong specific relation, which makes the system deviate from the correct reasoning path. The specific relation at each hop plays an important role in multi-hop question answering. Existing work mainly relies on the question representation as relation information, which cannot accurately calculate the specific relation distribution. In this article, we propose an interpretable assistance framework that fully utilizes the relation embeddings to assist in calculating relation distributions at each hop. Moreover, we employ the fusion attention mechanism to ensure the integrity of relation information and hence to enrich the relation embeddings. The experimental results on three English datasets and one Chinese dataset demonstrate that our method significantly outperforms all baselines. The source code of REAN will be available at https://github.com/2399240664/REAN

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