
The learning environment clearly expresses the intentions of the teacher who, using planning, conceives and develops the curriculum and circumscribes activities, with the aim of facilitating the construction of new learning by children. The environment involves wide dimensions (temporal, spatial, relational, resources and strategies) that, taken as a whole, can contribute to making the educational space more appealing and facilitating motivation and participation. The present study involved 8 students of the 2nd year of the Master's course in Pre-school Education and Teaching of the 1st Cycle of Basic Education (1st CEB), from a Higher School of Education in the Northeast of Portugal. Its aim was to understand the importance that students (future teachers) attach to the learning environment and the influence that it may have, both in disciplinary promotion and in the construction of a positive, participatory and complicit pedagogical relationship. The collection of information was based on the survey technique, through the application of a questionnaire with open questions. The study followed the paradigm of qualitative research and data content analysis. It should be noted that these students value innovative and significant learning environments, seeking to stimulate positive behaviours through a good management of the pedagogical relationship.

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