
Systematists increasingly use molecular markers to identify species; however, most microalgae were described before gene sequencing and type specimens were often ink drawings. Cryptic speciation and biogeographic isolation are other potential problems when anchoring an old species name with a modern gene sequence. Therefore when biological type material is absent, the best approach is to recollect the alga from the type locality and sequence genes. Sarcinochrysis marina, described in 1930 by Geitler from the Canary Islands, Spain, is the oldest Pelagophyceae genus. Geitler used two cultures in his study, but these cultures no longer exist. We re-isolated S. marina from the type locality near Las Palmas, Gran Canaria. Furthermore, we included additional Pelagophyceae strains that were isolated from natural habitats for this study or were obtained from culture collections. We produced 85 sequences, representing the nuclear-encoded SSU rRNA and the plastid-encoded rbcL, psaA, psaB, psbA, and psbC genes. The sequences were used to infer maximum likelihood phylogenetic trees. We anchored the name Sarcinochrysis marina using the Las Palmas isolate, and we described four new genera (Arachnochrysis, Pelagospilus, Sargassococcus, Sungminbooa) and nine new species in the Sarcinochrysidales. We also described a new family, Chrysocystaceae, based upon molecular phylogenetic analyses.

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