
We present a scalable single-particle framework to treat electronic correlation in molecules and materials motivated by Green's function theory. We derive a size-extensive Brillouin-Wigner perturbation theory from the single-particle Green's function by introducing the Goldstone self-energy. This new ground state correlation energy, referred to as Quasi-Particle MP2 theory (QPMP2), avoids the characteristic divergences present in both second-order Møller-Plesset perturbation theory and Coupled Cluster Singles and Doubles within the strongly correlated regime. We show that the exact ground state energy and properties of the Hubbard dimer are reproduced by QPMP2 and demonstrate the advantages of the approach for larger Hubbard models where the metal-to-insulator transition is qualitatively reproduced, contrasting with the complete failure of traditional methods. We apply this formalism to characteristic strongly correlated molecular systems and show that QPMP2 provides an efficient, size-consistent regularization of MP2.

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