
Innovative mobility solutions are constantly emerging with the advent of information and communication technologies, offering travellers multidimensional choices. Without a fully agent-based and dynamic travel demand microsimulation modelling system, it is impossible to evaluate such emerging mobility solutions/options realistically. The network modelling component is the most critical roadblock of such a modelling system. The paper presents an operational network model (GTASim) in an agent-based microsimulation framework, MATSim for the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area, to capture the network dynamics necessary for a Comprehensive Utility maximizing System of Travel Option Modelling (CUSTOM). GTASim is developed using open-source network data and a large-scale regional household travel survey data. GTASim microstimulates network flows for all modes, including different transit services in the region. The modelled transit network has 26,125 transit stop facilities and 820 transit routes with more than 64,350 departures. The CaDyTS-based calibration is specified using peak hour traffic volumes at over 100 cordon count stations in major highways, regional streets, and numerous transit stations/stops. This is the first-ever developed fully agent-based dynamic multimodal transportation network microsimulation for the region. Thus, the model, with further integration with CUSTOM will equip the authorities to make conclusive decisions considering users' level of behavioural adaptation with intricate policies in megacities like GTHA.

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