
Anxiety is common feeling that may occur at any uptight situation. The situation may get worst owing to physical atmosphere, social behaviour in addition to cognitive aspect. One such phenomenon is library anxiety. Since the Melon’s grounded theory on library anxiety, the term clutched the attention of library professionals and IL instructors. Library anxiety weakens self-belief. The person begins to think the task at hand to be tougher than it is, for students resulting in failure of academic venture. One colossal model that considered hideous sways of library anxiety though information process is that of Kuhlthau. The article pitches the light on the diverse stepladder of Kuhlthau’s information search process in view of library anxiety. The upshot of the discussion has been put in the form of areas which library professionals need to concentrate on to eliminate this negative feeling and improve the critical thinking of users so as to increase library usage in term of satisfaction.

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