
The historical polyethnicity of the Slovak society and the connected problems of the interrelations of cultures, ethics, interpersonal relations, are reflected in the works of modern Slovak prose. They are represented most clearly in the novels of middle generation writers P. Rankov, S. Lavrík, P. Krištúfek. They dwell upon the dramatical events of the 20 th century. They cover wide range problems, from the fruitful coexistence of various ethnic groups and their representatives to national contradictions and racial repressions. The artistic quality of the mentioned works, their composition, the way of narrating, the type of the main character, can be highly evaluated. For example, in a novel by P. Rankov the plot, in spite of its linearity, is a chain of episodes in the span of 30 years from the life of the main characters. It reflects not only their fates, but also the historical and political changes of the world they live in. The main female character of a S. Lavrík ’s novel narrates about everyday life and tragedies in the lives of the dwellers of a Slovak town in the Slovak Republic during the war. P. Krištúfek in his novel focuses on several decades from the life of a Slovak-Jewish family and dwellers of a Slovak provincial society with types and relations specific for this milieu.

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