
The scourge of coronavirus has jolted every nation directly or indirectly. Macro level effects were seen as economies plunged with many countries reporting negative growth rates. To tackle this storm, countries across the globe went full ballistic to spread information and bits of coronavirus to its citizens. Information was bombarded via every source that was available in the arsenal be it social media, print advertisement, Tv advertisement and radio. Some things were made compulsory, some were told to modify and some to be completely discarded. India was no different. Here too the government imposed lockdowns and traveling restrictions leaving its citizens no choice but to stay home and simply wait it out. Continuous influx of information from all sides created a new norm for society. Suddenly wearing masks was within my comfort zone and multiple hand washing was not annoying anymore. There was a change in behavior patterns as well. Social distancing became the new norm and people accepted it eventually. All these changes were possible because of the sheer number of advertisements people were subjected to. These advertisements created a new normal. There are so many examples in the past of how advertising has changed our attitude, behavior, lifestyle, likes and dislikes. This paper analyzes in depth synthesis of how advertisement not only creates a market for itself but in a way changed our perception and lifestyle in turn to create new norms.

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