
The Jack polynomials J (x; ) form a remarkable class of symmetric polynomials. They are indexed by a partition and depend on a parameter . One of their properties is that several classical families of symmetric functions can be obtained by specializing , e.g., the monomial symmetric functions m ( =∞), the elementary functions e ′ ( = 0), the Schur functions s ( = 1) and nally the two classes of zonal polynomials ( = 2, = 1=2). The Jack polynomials can be de ned in various ways, e.g.: a) as an orthogonal family of functions which is compatible with the canonical ltration of the ring of symmetric functions or b) as simultaneous eigenfunctions of certain di erential operators (the Sekiguchi–Debiard operators). Recently Opdam, [O], constructed a similar family F (x; ) of nonsymmetric polynomials. The index runs now through all compositions ∈ Nn. They are de ned in a completely similar fashion, e.g., the Sekiguchi–Debiard operators are being replaced by the Cherednik di erential-re ection operators (see Sect. 3). It is becoming more and more clear that these polynomials are as important as their symmetric counterparts. The purpose of this paper is to add to the existing characterizations of Jack polynomials two further ones: c) a recursion formula among the F together with two formulas to obtain J from them. d) combinatorial formulas of both J and F in terms of certain generalized tableaux.

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