
AbstractPalmer Deep Canyon is one of the biological hotspots associated with deep bathymetric features along the West Antarctic Peninsula. The upwelling of nutrient‐rich Upper Circumpolar Deep Water to the surface mixed layer in the submarine canyon has been hypothesized to drive increased phytoplankton biomass, attracting krill, penguins and other top predators to the area. However, observations in Palmer Deep Canyon lack a clear in‐situ upwelling signal, laboratory experiments do not illustrate a physiological response by phytoplankton to Upper Circumpolar Deep Water, and surface residence times are too short for phytoplankton populations to reasonably respond to any locally upwelled nutrients. This suggests that local upwelling may not be the mechanism that links Palmer Deep Canyon to increased biological activity. Previous observations of isopycnal doming within the canyon suggested that a subsurface recirculating feature may be present. Here, using in‐situ measurements and a circulation model, we demonstrate that the presence of a recirculating eddy may contribute to the maintenance of the biological hotspot by increasing residence times at depth and retaining a distinct layer of biological particles. Neutrally buoyant particle simulations showed that residence times increase to ∼175 days at 150 m within the canyon during the austral summer. In‐situ particle scattering, flow cytometry, and water samples from within the subsurface eddy suggest that retained particles are detrital in nature. Our results suggest that this seasonal, retentive feature in Palmer Deep Canyon is important to the retention of biological material and may contribute to the maintenance of this hotspot.

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