
What follows is a summary of the operation performed on 132 patients during an active period of the recent spring offensive. This formation suddenly found itself in a position in which front line work became imperative, and at first the staff consisted of Major George de Tarnowsky, M. R. C., and myself. Later each of us had the assistance of the following M. R. C. officers, who remained for varying periods: Capt. R. M. Keating, Capt. Philip Wilson, Capt. Charles Farmer and Lieut. T. Hardy, the two last named still being on service. In the first stages of the offensive the tour of service was necessarily continuous; later the service was divided into periods of ten hours operative service, three teams ( equipes ) acting in rotation, one of these consisting of French surgeons, the other two being American. The nursing operating room personnel is on duty each alternate twenty-four hours. One

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