
The article initially reviews various works describing the physical model (PM) of Michelson’s interferometric experiment (ME), represented by the race between two swimmers Sw1, Sw2 (or boats, or planes, or sound signals, etc.). The two swimmers must each swim the same distance, but Sw1 will swim along the river flow, and Sw2 will swim perpendicularly to this direction. In all such works, it is considered that Sw2’s path will require less time and that it will reach the start point first. However, in this work, it has been determined that in order to make this possible, Sw2 must not observe the orthogonality rule of his start direction. This action would be deceitful to the arbiters and thus considered as non-fair-play towards Sw1. The article proves by swimming times calculus, that if the fair-play rules are observed, then the correct crosswise path (in water reference frame) is a right triangle instead of the isosceles triangle considered by Michelson. Consequently, the two times shall be perfectly equal and the race ends in a tie, and the myth of Sw2 as the race winner shall be debunked. Note that the same result shall also be applicable to Michelson’s interferometric experiment (ME) as well as to any similar experiment. Therefore, utilising the isosceles triangle as the transversal path in PM and also in ME is an erroneous act.


  • Many works discuss Michelson’s interferometric experiment (ME) in terms of a mechanical or physical model (PM)

  • The article proves by swimming times calculus, that if the fair-play rules are observed, the correct crosswise path is a right triangle instead of the isosceles triangle considered by Michelson

  • We note here that in every previous description of the PM analogues for the ME, the respective authors’ works of description and analysis of the two paths, l1 and l2 contain an error in which the complete similarity between ME and PM is disregarded

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General Presentation of Physical Models of Michelson’s Experiment

Many works discuss Michelson’s interferometric experiment (ME) in terms of a mechanical or physical model (PM). The first swimmer Sw1 takes the path or the route l1= l1′ + l1′′ , where the distance l1′ is oriented right (opposite) of the river flow direction, v. Here it must be mentioned that in any and in all descriptions of the PMs encountered in the physics literature, one ”demonstrates” that the time of swimming the transverse route is shorter than the longitudinal one, and Sw2 wins the race. This conclusion has become a myth for many young generations of high school or college graduates. This myth would require a correction in this regard, i.e., “the race ends in a tie”

Description of Some Physical Models from Literature
Findings and Observations on Previous Physical Models
Has et al DOI
Correct Reanalysis of the Two Swimmers in the Physical Model
Presentation of the Physical Model PM of the Two Swimmers
Analysis of Model PM in Case of Crosswise Direction
Analysis of Model PM in Case of Longitudinal Direction
Presentation of the Physical Model PM of the Two Swimmers in BF Frame
Analysis of Model PM in Case of Transversal Direction
Analysis of Model PM in Case of the Longitudinal Direction
Conclusions and Consequences
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