
Level 1 calibration of the Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System (CYGNSS) measurements requires an accurate estimate of the effective isotropic radiated power (EIRP) of the GPS transmitter in the direction of specular reflection. Variable transmit power by numerous Block IIF and IIR-M GPS space vehicles was observed due to their flex power mode. GPS antenna gain patterns feature azimuthal asymmetry, further complicating EIRP estimation. As a result, all Block IIF observations by CYGNSS are flagged and not used to measure ocean winds. A new (version 3.0) Level 1 calibration algorithm is developed which uses measurements by the direct (zenith) antenna to estimate the specular GPS EIRP used to calculate the bistatic radar cross section (BRCS) of the ocean surface. Direct signal measurements are used to estimate GPS transmitter EIRP in the direction of the CYGNSS spacecraft. By applying corrections to the direct signal EIRP, it is possible to estimate the GPS EIRP in the direction of the specular reflection point. This real-time EIRP calibration algorithm instantaneously detects and corrects power fluctuations in all GPS block transmitters and significantly reduces errors due to the GPS antenna gain azimuthal asymmetry. It also allows observations with Block IIF transmitters (approximately 37% of the entire dataset) to be included in the standard data products.

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