
Let E be an elementary abelian p-group of rank r and let k be a field of characteristic p. We introduce functors F_i from finitely generated kE-modules of constant Jordan type to vector bundles over projective space of dimension r-1. The fibers of these functors encode complete information about the Jordan type of the module. We prove that given any vector bundle of rank s on P^{r-1}, there is a kE-module M of stable constant Jordan type [1]^s such that the functor F_1 applied to M yields the original vector bundle for p=2 and the Frobenius twist of the original vector bundle for p>2. We also prove that the theorem cannot be improved if p is odd, because if M is any module of stable constant Jordan type [1]^s then the Chern numbers c_1, ... ,c_{p-2} of F_1(M) are divisible by p.

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