
A computationally efficient, obstacle avoidance algorithm for redundant robots is presented in this paper. This algorithm incorporates the neural networks and pseudodistance function Dp in the framework of resolved motion rate control. Thus, it is well suited for real-time implementation. Robot arm kinematic control is carried out by the Hopfield network. The connection weights of the network can be determined from the current value of Jacobian matrix at each sampling time, and joint velocity commands can be generated from the outputs of the network. The obstacle avoidance task is achieved by formulating the performance criterion as Dp>dmin (dmin represents the minimal distance between the redundant robot and obstacles). Its calculation is only related to some vertices which are used to model the robot and obstacles, and the computational times are nearly linear in the total number of vertices. Several simulation cases for a four-link planar manipulator are given to prove that the proposed collision-free trajectory planning scheme is efficient and practical.

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