
Scelidosaurus is a herbivorous dinosaur belonging to the ornithischian clade Thyreophora. Until recently, its distribution was limited to the cliffs of Charmouth, on the south coast of Dorset, United Kingdom. In 2021, a fragmentary specimen from Lower Jurassic strata in Northern Ireland (BELUM K3998) was referred tentatively to Scelidosaurus. This bone, the proximal end of a femur, was suggested to be an ornithischian based on several characteristics, including gross morphology and osteohistology. This study reassesses these characteristics, and finds no evidence to support their use for identifying this specimen as either an ornithischian or Scelidosaurus. With the most comprehensive studies on Scelidosaurus finding no autapomorphies of the proximal femur, this study regards BELUM K3998 as Dinosauria indet. Additionally, this study highlights the importance of apomorphy-based approaches in taxonomy and the benefits of such methodologies.

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