
Rb–Sr whole-rock data for the gneissic and granitic rocks of the eastern Lac Seul region, when combined with the U–Pb zircon dating of Krogh, document a history of multiple intrusion for the area. The oldest rocks are the Sen Bay plutonic complex gneisses which have complex Rb–Sr systematics. Interpretation of the Rb–Sr data yields model ages of 3000–3100 Ma which are in good agreement with a zircon age of 3040 Ma. The next oldest rocks are trondhjemitic–granodioritic gneisses with a Rb–Sr age of 2780 ± 90 Ma. The initial Sr ratio (I) of 0.7009 ± 4 for these rocks suggests that this age approximates the time of intrusion and that the magma was derived from lower crustal rocks with a very short residence lime in the crust. Following a period of deformation and metamorphism, granodioritic to granitic dikes, sills, and small plutons were intruded between 2660 and 2560 Ma ago. I values for these racks range from 0.7019–0.7027. If the I values of these rocks represent the source region for the granitic magmas, then one explanation for the I values would be that the magmas were derived from a source region of mixed lithology and age. The Sen Bay plutonic complex is considered to represent an earlier cycle of crustal formation which is distinct from a later 2800–2550 Ma old cycle which dominates much of the Superior Province.

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