
TYPE: Late Breaking Abstract TOPIC: Chest Infections INTRODUCTION: Tuberculosis infection presents as persistent cough, hemoptysis, fever for more than 2 weeks , chest pain , weight loss , night sweats , loss of appetite. Tuberculosis and lung cancer have similar presenting complaints. TB often presents as a cavity , consolidation, pleural effusion or miliary tuberculosis. Here we are gong to discuss about TB presenting in a rare manifestation – A mass! CASE PRESENTATION: A 24-year-old female presented with the complaint of dry cough for 10 days. No history of dysponea , chest pain ,loss of weight, loss of appetite, hemoptysis. No known comorbidities. No history of tuberculosis previously. No relevant family history. She is a non-smoker with normal immune status. On inspection, a left supra clavicular and infra clavicular fullness is present with decreased movements. On percussion, there is dullness and absent breath sounds on auscultation in supra clavicular and infra clavicular areas. HRCT chest revealed a well defined left apical mass with minimal cavitation. CT guided biopsy revealed features suggestive of TB. DISCUSSION: TB is very common in a country like India. Even such rare presentations should not be missed in TB endemic countries. WHO initiated the STOP TB CHALLENGE which aims on eliminating tb by 2050 worldwide. One quarter of the world is estimated to be infected by TB. CONCLUSIONS: Around 1.3 million people died due to tuberculosis worldwide in 2020. TB is a curative disease if correctly diagnosed and treated timely. In such rare presentations of TB , diagnosis should be made worldwide. DISCLOSURE: No significant relationships. KEYWORD: Tuberculosis

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