
A rare case of severe asphyxia in a young patient due to household gas leakage WAS presented. The patient was found in an unconscious state with signs of respiratory failure at home, requiring respiratory support at the prehospital stage. The patient had a picture of damage to the circulatory organs with the development of acute myocardial ischemia without damage and reactive hydropericardium, respiratory organs in the form of hypoxic pulmonary edema, complicated by the development of bilateral community-acquired pneumonia, hydrothorax and severe respiratory failure, damage to the nervous system with the development of hypoxic encephalopathy with loss of consciousness and bilateral pyramidal syndrome, digestive organs with the development of reactive posthypoxic hepatopathy. Upon admission to the clinic of the field therapy of the Military Medical Academy of S.M. Kirov, which required hospitalization of the patient in the intensive care unit. It was possible to fully stop severe multiple organ damage that developed as a result of acute hypoxic exposure as a result of the complex treatment. This clinical case clearly demonstrates the importance of emergency, systematic and full-fledged intensive care at all stages of providing care to people with acute hypoxic lesions of organs and systems, including severe community-acquired pneumonia and hypoxic myocardial dystrophy. The influence of the early intensive care initiation and timely evacuation at the stage of qualified and specialized medical care on the effectiveness of therapeutic measures is discussed as this plays a fundamental role in the survival of this category of patients. In general, with timely and full-fledged therapeutic measure implementation aimed at treating complications, even severe acute hypoxic organs lesions and systems are reversible, although this may require long-term inpatient treatment and rehabilitation measures in a military sanatorium-resort organization condition of a therapeutic profile, as well as conducting a military medical examination to establish the fitness category for further military service.

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