
Torsion of the fallopian tube accompanying hydrosalpinx is a rare occurrence in the pediatric population. This report describes a 13year old sexually inactive girl with isolated tubal torsion due to hydrosalpinx. The girl had lower left abdominal pain for two days. The physical examination revealed left lower quadrant tenderness with a firm round anterior mass on rectal examination. Abdominal ultrasound showed left tubal enlargement with free pelvic peritoneal fluid. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) showed engorgement and dilatation of the left fallopian tube without contrast enhancement suspicious of tubal torsion. At operation, torsion of the left tube on its longitudinal axis was observed, and a salpingectomy was performed.Although rare, the diagnosis of torsion of the fallopian tube should be considered when evaluating acute abdominal pain. The earlier tubal torsion is diagnosed, the greater the likelihood of salvaging the fallopian tube.

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