
Abstract Angiomyxoma is a rare, slow growing mesenchymal neoplasm that occurs almost exclusively in the genital, perineal and pelvic regions of adult women of reproductive age. We present the case of a 52-year-old female with asymptomatic lesion over the vulva since 6 months which gradually increased in size. On examination single, well circumscribed, erythematous to skin coloured, pedunculated mass was seen over the right side of the vulva measuring approximately 10 x 5cms. On palpation it was mobile, soft to firm in consistency with a smooth surface. Complete Excision under aseptic precaution was done and sent for histopathological examination which showed features suggestive of Angiomyxoma, a very rare gynaecologic tumour and classified as “tumors of uncertain differentiation “with estrogen and progesterone receptors. We present this case to highlight the importance of Histopathology in dermatology to diagnose rare cases and improve patient care.

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