
ABSTRACT Portal vein cavernoma is a rare disease resulting from extrahepatic portal vein thrombosis and development from collateral venous circulation. It is a rare condition affecting both adults and children with equal gender distribution. Both local and systemic factors may contribute to development of portal vein thrombosis. Once there is portal vein thrombosis, cavernous transformation occurs in 5 weeks to 12 months of thrombotic event. We report a case of primigravida with portal vein cavernoma who presented to us in last trimester. Cesarean section was done with primary indication with premature rupture of membrane with poor bishop score. Cesarean section was given priority considering associated digestive varices. Both maternal and fetal outcome was good. How to cite this article Ghike S, Gawande M, Mitra K, Jain S, Senani S, Ratnaparkhi C. A Rare Case of Portal Vein Cavernoma with Pregnancy. J South Asian Feder Obst Gynae 2013;5(1):37-39.

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