
A 47 years old male presented to emergency department with history of pain abdomen after road traffic accident 6 hours back. He had deceleration injury while driving a minivan when he hit a truck parked on road side. On presentation, his Airway and breathing was intact with GCS 15/15.Pulse was 110/min and blood pressure was 100/70 mmHg. His abdomen was generalized tender, mostly in the hypogastrium. Digital rectal examination was normal. Ultrasound abdomen showed free fluid in the peritoneal cavity and chest and abdominal X-rays were unremarkable. On opening the abdomen there was 7×7 cm isolated perforation in sigmoid colon 5 cm proximal to recto sigmoid junction. Repair of perforation was done and proximal double barrel sigmoid colostomy was made. Patient was discharged on 3rd post-operative day. Later after 4 months reversal of sigmoid colostomy was done and patient was discharged.

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