
Trichofolliculoma presents as a small, indurated dome-shaped nodule with a central pore from which several, slender white hairs emerge. The lesion usually develops in adults on the head and neck region, predominantly around the nose. Biopsy reveals a large, central dilated follicle from which several smaller follicles radiate. The central follicle contains keratin and vellus hair shafts. The smaller follicles are vellus hair follicles, both normal and aberrant, in various stages of development. The tumour is encased in a fibrous sheath that is separated from the normal dermis by clefts. A large number of merkel cells are usually present in the tumour. While the lesion is easily curative through a simple excision, this case of 64-year-old male patient is reported due to the uncommon occurrences of trichofolliculoma.

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