
There has been a long-felt need for a staining technic for intestinal Protozoa that would be comparable in effectiveness and in speed of preparation with simple-smear methods now in common use, that would be simple and dependable enough for employment by technicians not especially trained in its use, that would demonstrate good diagnostic details in both trophozoites and cysts, and that would provide permanent preparations for file purposes. Simple-smear methods have the disadvantage of being temporary, and the iron hematoxylin methods in current use are time-consuming, require skill in their use and may give variable results on different stools and with different batches of stain. A two-and-a-half minute permanent staining technic is herein described which nearly approximates the fineness of detail seen in iron hematoxylin preparations. The staining solution is simple to prepare, few ingredients are required and technical skill is not necessary.

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