
DETERMINATION of the incidence of various morphologic types of spermatozoa in the ejaculate is of value in establishing levels of fertility in the male (2–5). In order to insure satisfactory and routine clinical application, a method must be rapid, must eliminate artifacts and must permit delineation of all the cellular elements present in the ejaculate. To be of real practical value, moreover, a method should give consistent results which are readily reproducible by the same observer or by other workers. A serious handicap in attaining all these objectives is the presence of extra-cellular debris and mucus which interfere with interpretations of cell morphology. The present report describes a procedure which combines demucification with extremely rapid killing and fixation. This method employs a staining technic previously described by workers in our laboratory (1). PROCEDURE Thin or thick smears are prepared in the usual manner after spontaneous liquefaction of the ejaculate has been established.

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