
WGAapoHRP-Au is a colloidal gold conjugate of wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) coupled to enzymatically inactive (apo) horseradish peroxidase (HRP). This protein-gold complex has proven very useful for retrograde tracing studies in the nervous system (Basbaum and Menétrey: J Comp Neurol 261:306, 1987). To identify retrogradely labeled cells, the colloidal gold is made visible by silver intensification. As the tracer has no HRP enzymatic activity, it can be combined with HRP-based procedures (or with fluorescent methods) in a variety of multiple-label studies. Standard silver intensification procedures, however, are run at low pH and therefore are incompatible with good EM preservation; moreover, osmication of the tissue oxidizes the silver product, which is then lost in subsequent dehydration steps. This report describes a rapid and simple commercially available silver intensification procedure. The procedure is run at neutral pH and can be performed after osmication. The tracer is readily detected at the EM level and tissue preservation is excellent. This report also demonstrates how sections containing retrogradely labeled neurons can be stained with a post-embedding immunocytochemical method so that the transmitter content of synaptic inputs to these neurons can be identified.

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