
Amavata is particular type of disease that is mentioned in Ayurveda since the period of Madhavkar, under the category of Vata- Kaphaja disorder. According to Ayurveda, Ama is caused due to malfunctioning of the digestive and metabolic mechanism. Vata is the chief functional operator of the all types of voluntary or involuntary movements of body. Vitiated Vata, Dosha along with Ama is termed as Amavata. It indicates the propulsion of Amaby vitiated Vata throughout body getting lodge in Sandhi sthana (jointareas) producing Amavata. Amavata issucha disease of chronic joint pain and bodyache, accompanied by swelling of some or all of the Synovialjoints. Angamarda (Bodypain), Aruchi (Lossoftaste), Trishna (Thirst), Alasya (Lackofenthusiasm), Gourav (heaviness), Klama (Tirednesswithoutdoingwork), Apaka (Indigestion) and Jwar (fever). Amavata can be correlated with Rheumatoid Arthritis. The prevalence of RA increases between 25-55yrs of age. Chakradatta was first to describe in the treatment for Amavata. He gave Basti chikitsa especially Vaitaran Basti is considered as the chief treatment regimen for Amavata and Amavata Pramathini Vati is a formulation which is prescribed to treat Amavata. The description of Amavata Pramathini Vati is found in Bhaishajya Ratnavali. Amavata Pramathini Vati is a formulation off given drugs Kalmishora, Arkamula, Shuddha Gandhaka, Loha Bhasma And Abhrak bhasma. These drugs play significant rolein reducing the symptoms and to treat the Amavata. The drugs have Vata Kaphaghna property which reduce Vata and Kapha, Doshas from the body and reduces the symptoms of Amavata.

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