
The current study investigates a novel digital tool designed to address barriers to out-of-session homework adherence in exposure with response prevention (ERP) for child obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). The OC-Go platform allows clinicians to create and push tailored interactive protocol- or symptom-specific assignments to patients on their mobile devices, providing in-the-moment step-by-step directions, encouragement, accountability, and a sense of therapeutic presence for patients during out-of-office exposures. The platform also facilitates objective measurement of homework and allows providers to support one another through a shared and searchable crowdsourced library with hundreds of assignable exposures and psychoeducation activities for specific OCD symptoms. The current study tested the usability and feasibility of the OC-Go platform with ERP stakeholders (OCD therapists, patients, and parents; N = 172) using the System Usability Scale (SUS). The study also tested the efficacy of OC-Go for augmenting homework adherence and clinical response using a randomized controlled, crossover design in a sample of 28 treatment-seeking youth with OCD. Participants randomized to standard ERP exhibited a homework adherence rate of 68.4% (95% CI [65.6, 71.0]), those randomized to ERP with OC-Go exhibited a greater adherence rate of 83.3% (95% CI [80.8, 85.6], p < .001). Both groups experienced large declines in Children’s Yale–Brown Obsessive–Compulsive Scale-rated OCD (d = 1.31, p < .001), though participants randomized to begin ERP with OC-Go exhibited clinically significant greater improvement (p = .05), translating into an additional augmented treatment response at the Week 6 primary end point (d = 0.36) and the Week 12 treatment end point (d = 0.72). Stakeholders rated OC-Go in the 90th percentile for usability on the SUS, indicative of a highly usable and easy-to-learn technology. Initial evidence supports OC-Go as a feasible and effective adjunct to improve out-of-office exposure measurement, adherence, and treatment response in ERP for child OCD.

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