
Skin ailments are the third most common disease in developing countries and in modern society it is a subject of sociomedical importance. One such ailment associated with pregnancy is Kikkisa (Striae gravidarum). Kikkisa (Striae gravidarum) is a Garbhini Vyadhi which occurs mostly in Sapta Masa of Garbhini Kala (7th month of pregnancy). It is a condition where growing foetus enlarges Garbhashaya which displaces Doshas Vata, Pitta and Kapha upwards, reaches Uras and produces Daha causing Kandu on abdomen, breasts and thighs. Striae gravidarum are seen in 50-90% of pregnant women due to many physiological, metabolic and hormonal changes along with increased stress on connective tissue will lead to breakage of fibers. Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia Linn.) is considered as Raktashodaka and Kushtanuta. Considering the risk factors in pregnancy the current study has been taken up under external application of Manjistha in the form of Ghrita over internal usage of Kwatha as mentioned in authentic text. Keeping this in mind a comparative study was conducted to analyze the effect of Manjistha Ghrita and Go-Ghrita on Striae gravidarum.30 subjects after considering the inclusion and exclusion criteria were taken up for the study. Patient’s general and physical examinations were done. On day 0, through inspection if Striae were observed then Manjistha Ghrita and Go-Ghrita were given in alternative manner. Patients were asked to come for follow up on Day 15. The study period was 30 days and on Day 30, patients were examined to check for any changes in Striae. The obtained data were analyzed statistically using Paired T test, UnPaired T test, Wilcoxon test, Mann Witney test, by using SPSS Software. Usage of Manjistha Ghrita gave considerably good results statistically when compared to application of Go-Ghrita as it only helped in reducing the symptoms till the subjects used the medication and there was recurrence of symptoms later.

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