
Event argument extraction, which aims to identify arguments of specific events and label their roles, is a challenging subtask of event extraction. Previous approaches solve this problem in a two-stage manner that first extracts named entities as argument candidates and then determines their roles. However, many nested entities may be missed or wrongly predicted during the argument candidate extraction procedure, which substantially affects the performance of the downstream classifier. In this paper, we propose a novel one-step question answering based framework, which performs argument candidate extraction and argument role classification simultaneously to mitigate the error propagation problem in conventional two-stage methods. Since the conventional question answering based framework cannot be applied directly to this task, we design a Q uestion A nswering based S equence L abeling (QA-SL) model to tackle inexistent argument roles and multiple argument token spans. Moreover, considering the overwhelming number of parameters in question answering based neural network models and the relatively small size of event extraction corpus, we fine-tune the pre-trained model from BERT to mitigate the data scarcity problem. Extensive experiments demonstrate the benefits of the proposed method, leading to a competitive performance compared with state-of-the-art methods. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to cast event argument extraction as a question answering task.


  • Event extraction, which aims to extract event triggers of specific types and their corresponding arguments with roles from unstructured natural language data, is an essential but challenging task in information extraction

  • TASK DESCRIPTION In this paper, we focus on event argument extraction task, which is a subtask of event extraction

  • The question answering based sequence labeling (QA-SL) model achieves the best performance among the compared methods which employ system-predicted entities as argument candidates

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Event extraction, which aims to extract event triggers of specific types and their corresponding arguments with roles from unstructured natural language data, is an essential but challenging task in information extraction. Event extraction contains two subtasks including event detection (to identify trigger words and classify them into predefined event types) and event argument extraction (to identify arguments of specific events and classify the roles they play in an event). Event detection is the prerequisite subtask of event extraction and has been made great progress in recent years. Event argument extraction received less attention and becomes the bottleneck. The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and approving it for publication was Long Cheng. We mainly focus on the event argument extraction task

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