
A 2-(v,k,λ) block design (P,B) is additive if, up to isomorphism, P can be represented as a subset of a commutative group (G,+) in such a way that the k elements of each block in B sum up to zero in G. If, for some suitable G, the embedding of P in G is also such that, conversely, any zero-sum k-subset of P is a block in B, then (P,B) is said to be strongly additive.In this paper we exhibit the very first examples of additive 2-designs that are not strongly additive, thereby settling an open problem posed in 2019. Our main counterexample is a resolvable 2-(16,4,2) design (F4×F4,B2), which decomposes into two disjoint isomorphic copies of the affine plane of order four.An essential part of our construction is a (cyclic) decomposition of the point-plane design of AG(4,2) into seven disjoint isomorphic copies of the affine plane of order four. This produces, in addition, a solution to Kirkman's schoolgirl problem.

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