
A quantitative structure property relationship (QSPR) is proposed to calculate the electrophoretic mobility of analytes in capillary zone electrophoresis. The proposed model employs logarithm of the electrophoretic mobility (ln μ) as dependent variable and partial charge ( PQ), surface area ( V 2/3), total energy ( TE), heat of formation (Δ H f) and molecular refractivity ( MR) as independent variables whose calculated using AM1 (Austin model 1) semi-empirical quantum mechanics method by HyperChem 7.0 software. The general form of the model is: ln μ= K 0+ K 1 PQ+ K 2 V 2/3+ K 3 TE+ K 4Δ H f+ K 5 MR, where K 0– K 5 are the model constants computed using a least-square method. The applicability of the model on real mobility data has been studied employing five experimental data sets of beta-blockers, benzoate derivatives, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, sulfonamides and amines in different buffers. The accuracy of the model is assessed using absolute average relative deviation (AARD) and the overall AARD value. The obtained AARD for the sets studied are 1.0 ( N=10), 2.1 ( N=26), 0.8 ( N=11), 0.6 ( N=13) and 2.7% ( N=18), respectively, and the overall AARD is 1.4%. The model is cross-validated using one leave out technique and the obtained overall AARD is 1.8%. To further investigate on the applicability of the proposed model, the prediction capability of the model is evaluated by employing a minimum number of six experimental data points as training set, and predicting the mobility of other data points using trained models. The obtained overall AARD (for 48 predicted data points) is 5.6%.

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