
English learning as a foreign or second language is no more complicated process in modern era. In Pakistan, the young generation is trained with different aspects of life not only in academics but also in professional, social and in psychological domains. This study investigates the effects of teachers’ attitude on learning English as a foreign language. The study used survey questionnaire to find the effects of teachers’ attitude. Almost 106 participants volunteered for this study from three departments of one university of Pakistan. The gathered data was analyzed through SPSS version 20 to find percentage, mean score and SD. The study offered the most promising results based on teachers attitudes on learning English. The results revealed teachers’ caring attitude as significant factor related to the cognitive and communicative abilities of the students. Further, the results of this study indicated that the success of the class always depend on teachers’ behavior with the most effective impacts on learners’ social and academic success. Moreover, this study discusses the detailed information about teachers’ attitude on students’ language learning, classroom performance and future impact on language teaching and learning.

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