
Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH), also known as Müllerian-inhibiting substance or factor, has previously been shown to sex-reverse the steroidogenic pattern of fetal mammalian ovaries through repression of aromatase biosynthesis. Study of the ontogeny of the response of cyclic AMP-stimulated aromatase activity of rat fetal ovaries to AMH has allowed us to develop a quantitative bioassay for the hormone. Linear responses as a function of the logarithm of AMH concentration were observed over ranges of 0.2-7.5 micrograms/ml for the bovine protein and 0.15-2 micrograms/ml for the human protein, with a maximal decrease in aromatase activity of 90% for both proteins. Under the same in vitro conditions, AMH treatment did not affect cyclic AMP-stimulated fetal rat testicular aromatase activity. Partially purified chick AMH also decreased rat ovarian aromatase activity, allowing us to use this test to study AMH ontogeny in chick gonads. Analysis of the species specificity of AMH repression of ovarian aromatase activity indicated that turtle and rat fetal ovaries responded to AMH of other vertebrate classes, whereas aromatase activity of chick embryo ovaries could be repressed only by the homospecific hormone.

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