
The objective of this study is to assess the completion and content of the Goals of Care (GOC) forms in three care settingsinthe province of Quebec, Canada. This is a retrospective, cross-sectional, mixed methods analysis of data extracted from the charts and GOC forms of patients aged over 65 who received services during the year 2018 in one of the three following care settings: (i) long-term care facility, (ii) acute care hospital, and (iii) home support services of a regional healthcare and social services center. The completion of the GOC form includes six essential sections. If one or more of the sections were not fulfilled, we considered the form incomplete. We used descriptive analysis to look at the information in the six sections and a thematic analysis to assess the information in an open-ended section. We audited 589 charts, of which 67% contained a GOC form and only 96 (16%) a completed one. The most popular goal of care was ensuring comfort as a priority over prolonging life, selected on 40% of the forms. The majority of the included patients (89%) did not want cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) to be attempted in the case of cardiac arrest. There was no indication of the use of advance medical directives, and scarce indication of the use of former GOC forms (18%) and living wills (2%) in completing the forms. Comments were included in 65% of the open-ended sections. The most frequent themes related to the use or non-use of interventions and to potential transfers to the hospital or to an intensive care unit. We found that the open-ended section was used on 24 forms to specify a different goal of care applicable in the eventof further health deterioration. A significant proportion of charts (84%) did not contain a completed GOC form; key aspects of advance care planning were rarely considered in establishing the patient's goal of care, and the form itself lacked utility given the frequency and nature of qualitative comments. As a final product of serious illness communication and decision-making, our findings suggest that there are significant quality issues, that patients are at risk of intensification of care at the end of life, and that more needs to be done to improve serious illness decision-making and documentation.

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