
This article presents a qualitative system analysis informing public policy advancement for workplace psychological violence injury. It is a unique look into how a jurisdiction responds to the injury caused by workplace psychological violence (workplace bullying, harassment, and discrimination campaigns). First ever provincial legislation addressing this harm was passed into law. This study found that the legislation has yet to be implemented into the medical response systems dealing with this workplace injury. Severe hardships and consequences are experienced by workers in attempting recovery. Some never get there. The Canadian Institute for Workplace Bullying Resources, a specialist with this injury, received this study's recommendations for system change to assist in closing gaps and reduce the harm experienced by workers in Alberta, Canada. This study found some causal factors to these system barriers to be common globally. Methods to map and lead advocacy system change through qualitative research for this workplace violence and caused injury are provided herein. This is a call to researchers and professionals globally who deal with both workplace psychological violence and injury, to use and build on this study's methods, tools, and outcomes to lead further needed system change.

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