
The core variable arrived at were Challenges of postnatal motherhood phenomenon from mothers’ perspective, eight essential themes were developed, and they were as follows: ‘Contented with the birth experience; A wider perspective of womanhood’. ‘Coming up with physiological and emotional challenges; a note worthy experience’. ‘Being happy with the gender of the baby; A God given gift’. ‘Glad to be a mother with a good family support’. ‘Happy to receive the intended care in the hospital; a boon to every mother’. ‘Ready to face challenges; marital perspective’. ‘Newborn care; a tender loving care of womanhood’. ‘Joyous moment to be with the newborn but unhappy due to physical and psychological alteration’. Interpretation and Conclusion The findings of the study throw light on various challenges faced by mothers and their coping strategies. In this study majority of the mothers had least to moderately expressed challenges and highly expressed challenges were minimal. This could be hypothesised that the study participants were from a rural setting where most of the mothers are unemployed and most of the mothers have a good support system which helps them to face challenges positively. Nevertheless, literature shows that Emotional challenges, Breastfeeding challenges and newborn care challenges are faced globally which can be addressed by creating awareness programmes. This can be achieved through nurse-led clinics on childbirth education in the OBG and Paediatric units with Mathr Shiksha Abhiyaan which will benefit most of the Pregnant and lactating mothers coming to OPD.

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