
In Pakistan, incidents of female sexual harassment are often reported, but there is a lack of reliable information on the context of the matter and its consequences. In this regard, this study focuses on female students studying at public universities in Lahore, Pakistan, who frequently use public transport and are subject to sexual harassment. They were asked about their experiences of harassment in public places. Using the qualitative method, data was gathered with the help of three focus group discussions, and conclusions were drawn using interpretative phenomenological analysis. Incidents of sexual harassment mainly occur on different public transport. We found that such incidents are also proven to be a big hurdle in the continuation of education for female students, apart from their deep effects on the social and psychological condition of young female students. The researchers found most of the respondents were afraid of reporting such incidents because of defamation of their character and less faith in the law enforcement agencies of the country. Awareness of existing laws in the country that protect women, particularly implementations of the laws, good governance, the positive role of law enforcement agencies, and a better conducive environment for female students specifically related to their mobility, can help reduce incidents of sexual harassment in the country.

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