
• Ketamine infusion causes an initial ‘high’, enhanced perception, and dissociation. • People may have a reduction in or removal of suicidal ideation & depression symptoms. • People can experience an increase in motivation, socialisation, and activity. • The treatment environment affects ketamine experience. • People who have experience of ketamine for depression advocate the treatment. There has been a lack of in-depth interviews investigating patient experience of ketamine treatment for depression. We examined participants’ pathways to receiving ketamine infusion to treat their depression, and their responses to, lived experiences of, and attitudes towards ketamine treatment. Qualitative methods were used to conduct in-depth interviews with 13 patients (6 male; 7 female) diagnosed with treatment resistant depression (TRD) with experience of receiving ketamine treatment for depression. Interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) was employed. For the majority of participants ketamine infusion causes a reported initial ‘high’, enhanced perception, and dissociative experience; followed by a lifting of mood and a reduction in or removal of suicidal ideation and depression symptoms lasting around 3–6 days. This leads to a reported increase in motivation, socialisation, and activity. All participants valued the therapeutic alliance with clinicians which enhanced the treatment experience and all advocated treatment access for those with depression who have not responded to other treatments. Small numbers, purposive sample, participant self-selection, and single site recruitment limit generalisability. Ketamine for depression can have many beneficial effects, and it is potentially life-transforming for some. Ketamine may be a source of hope for patients for whom other treatments have not been effective. For some, ketamine is not tolerated or does not have anti-depressive effects. Further qualitative in-depth exploration of patient experience and consideration of how ketamine depression treatment access can be appropriately made available are warranted.

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