
A test was developed that measures in vivo chlorophyll afluorescence variables to assess the apparent sensitivity of freshwaterperiphytic algae to photosystem II inhibitors. Natural periphyticcommunities from rivers were collected on artificial substrata, and theeffects of short-term exposures to two PSII herbicides (atrazine andisoproturon) on the fluorescence parameters were measured with apulse-amplitude modulated fluorometer. The EC50 for each herbicide werecalculated from fluorescence yield indices, and these results were comparedto 14C-based primary production measurements on the samecommunities. The fluorescence-based method appears to give very reliableestimations of EC50 for each pesticide we tested, ranging from 0.46 to5.18 μM and 0.07 to 6.77 μM for atrazine and isoproturon,respectively. This method could be used in ecotoxicology monitoringprograms, to detect changes in natural periphyton populations sensitivity,following photosystem II herbicide contamination in rivers or lakes.

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