
Visual discomfort is predicted from a luminance map with a model based on the receptive field mechanism in the human eye. A centre-surround receptive field is described by a Difference of Gaussians. Eight commercially available office luminaires are assessed for visual discomfort in a paired comparison experiment. The correlation between the subjective data and the receptive field model is optimized for three factors: the centre Gaussian width, the surround Gaussian width and the centre-to-surround weighing factor (WF). A centre and surround visual angle of 0.53 and 2.19 min arc, respectively, and a WF of 0.87 result in a coefficient of determination of 0.77. The model is validated independently with magnitude estimation data obtaining a coefficient of determination of 0.82. Where the standard unified glare rating method fails (coefficient of determination of 0.45), the receptive field model ameliorates predictability for visual discomfort. The model based on receptive fields is promising to replace current standard glare metrics, specifically when non-uniform luminaires are to be evaluated.

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