
Resumo: O conceito de educação menor, proposto por Sílvio Gallo em trabalho publicado na Revista Educação & Realidade no ano de 2002, parte de um deslocamento do conceito de literatura menor, criado por Gilles Deleuze e Félix Guattari. O objetivo deste artigo é identificar Bento de Espinosa (1632-1677), no contexto do século XVII, à prática de certa espécie de educação menor. Tal identificação será construída por meio de um exame de alguns aspectos da biografia do filósofo e de elementos colhidos de sua obra. Demonstra-se que Espinosa, em sua atividade como professor, manteve uma forma de educar não institucionalizada, desterritorializada e rizomática, assim como define o conceito de educação menor.


  • Gilles Deleuze, contemporary reader of the modern Dutch philosopher Benedictus de Spinoza, when writing his book on Kafka with Felix Guattari, developed the minor literature concept. By involving this concept in the field of philosophic studies, Silvio Gallo (2002) created the notion of minor education, bearing in mind to contribute to the Deleuze becoming in the educational field

  • Deleuze and Guattari thought the minor in the scientific and philosophic fields (Gallo, 2015b) and, just like them, we can think of a minor education that leaks and is practiced on the sideline, differently from the major education, which is guided by planned, established and institutionalized pedagogic activities, typical of the big educational plans, of the guidelines and of the orientations shaped in official documents and legislation (Gallo, 2015a)

  • The philosopher refused to integrate with Leiden University and carried out an intense pedagogic activity with a collegium in Amsterdam established to read and study his writings

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Fernando Bonadia de OliveiraI

ABSTRACT – Spinozian Practice of a Minor Education. The concept of minor education, proposed by Silvio Gallo, in his work published on Educação & Realidade in 2002, is based on a displacement from the concept of minor literature, created by Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari. Gilles Deleuze, contemporary reader of the modern Dutch philosopher Benedictus de Spinoza, when writing his book on Kafka with Felix Guattari, developed the minor literature concept. By involving this concept in the field of philosophic studies, Silvio Gallo (2002) created the notion of minor education, bearing in mind to contribute to the Deleuze becoming in the educational field. He was an active private teacher, receiving in his house a range of young students willing to know Cartesianism, the new philosophy The purpose of this text consists in examining the correlation between Spinoza (a philosopher from the XVII century) and the practice of a minor education (proposed by Gallo in the beginning of the XXI century), in light of the recovering of certain data concerning Spinoza’s life and passages of his work. We will resume a comment by Deleuze in a lesson in a Course on Spinoza on November 25, 1980

The Minor Education Concept
Spinoza and his Small Network
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