
SILVEIRA, F. The Oral Health practice in the Family Health Teams. 2011. Tese (Doutorado) – Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirao Preto, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Ribeirao Preto, 2011. This research aims to investigate the possibilities and limits for the construction of Oral Health practices in the production of health care by a Family Health Team. The interaction of knowledge and the coordination of actions among actors from different health fields can lead to an interdisciplinary relationship and to suit a field of competence and responsibility aimed for actions of Collective Oral Health. The Ministry of Health has emphasized with health teams the adoption of interdisciplinary practices through policies of Primary Care, Family Health Strategy and the National Guidelines on Oral Health. It is a cartographic study of everyday team based on the perspective of Research-Intervention and grounded on the Institutional Movement. Primary data was produced in administrative team meetings and in discussion of family affairs, which were audio taped and later transcribed. The daily field activities of participant observation and of meetings of the group and study were also part of the data. In the course of the research were produced analyzers that aimed to mobilize the team to produce knowledge about their work process and oral health, such as the organization of an agenda of Oral Health; the team and one of their families: the case of the Sabia Laranjeira Family and the discussion about the insertion of Oral Health in the Rubi Family Health Team. Have been identified crosscutting issue with the produced knowledge. One of them refers to relations among workers of the team, who considered it as a juxtaposition of knowledge and built on interpersonal relationships. Another expresses one of tensions that the team experienced with assistance, health care and extended clinic. These tensions are based on mismatches of supply and demand of services in unity and exclusive enhancement of the technological apparatus of health. The third issue is present in the alienation of work process, given by the fragmented perception of workers and users about the object of the production of health care. The last issue exposes tensions in the arena of Primary Health Care and Family Health Strategy according to the training of health professionals to work as a team. The Cartographic method enabled to follow the procesuality of the team and expose tensions present in their work process. It was found that the construction of a field of knowledge and practices for Oral Health Collective actions are in the process that is influenced by the tensions of daily work as a team, and that determines its configuration or not. However, at times when the interaction and articulation were built, was powerful to make qualified health practices.

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