
The Web contains so much information that it is almost beyond measure. How do users manage the useful information that they have seen while screening out the rest that doesn't interest them? Bookmarks help, but bookmarking a page doesn't guarantee that it will be available forever. Search engines are becoming more powerful, but they can't be customized based on the access history of individual users. This paper suggests that a better alternative to managing web information is through a middleware approach based on iPROXY, a programmable proxy server. iPROXY offers a suite of archiving, retrieval, and searching services. It can extend a URL to include commands that archive and retrieve pages. Its modular architecture allows users to plug in new features without having to change existing browsers or servers. Once installed on a network, iPROXY can be accessed by users using different browsers and devices. Internet service providers who offer customers iPROXY will be free to develop new services without having to wait for the dominant browsers to be updated.

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