
Objective: The main objective of this study was to improve the knowledge, attitude and perception towards HIV/AIDS among nursing and healthcare professionals. To provide structured education on disease and lifestyle modifications. Method: This method involves prospective analysis of knowledge, attitude and perception in women with uterine fibroids. The study is carried out by the collection and documentation of general information of the respondents willing to participate in the study. All enrolled respondents will be assessed for knowledge, attitude and perception towards HIV/AIDS using suitable KAP questionnaire. Results: The study was conducted among 100 patients. The response rate tended to be better among the nurses and pharmacists (student pharmacists) compared to the doctors of the respondents selected 48 were male while 52 were female. There were more respondents in the age group from 36-40. The majority of respondents were nurses (48) pharmacists (including student pharmacists)26,14were doctors,7 laboratory workers,5 others(ophthalmic technicians, multi-purpose workers, op technicians. The average knowledge score before counselling was found to be 7.98 (±1.52), following counselling the knowledge score was found to be 9.43(±0.71) of a total maximum score of 10.The average Attitude score before counselling was found to be 3.24(±1.07)the same attitude score when calculated after counselling was found to be 4.49(±0.69) of a maximum score of 5.The mean perception score before counselling was found to be 3.17(±1.09),following counselling the perception score was found to be 4.53(± 0.62),of a maximum score of 5. There is an extremely significant (P<0.0001*) values were obtained when compared between pre counselling and post counselling phases of knowledge, attitude and perception scores. Conclusion: The knowledge, attitude and perception towards HIV/AIDS among nursing and healthcare professionals were improved after counseling and a structured education on disease and lifestyle modifications were provided.

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