
Background: Acute abdomen means, the patient complains of acute abdominal symptoms that suggest a disease, which definitely or possibly threatens life and may or may not demand immediate operative interference. The diagnosis and management of acute abdomen forms a large part of routine duties of a general surgeon throughout his career. Aim& Objectives: To study the proportion of occurrence of various causes of, clinical features and success in the treatment non traumatic acute abdomen in Ayan institute of Medical Sciences Hyderabad with respect to age, sex. Methods: The study was conducted in Ayan institute of Medical Sciences from January 2019 to December 2019. 60 cases have been studied. Those acute cases, who underwent surgery have been only included in this study because of a correct diagnosis could be established. Results: Acute abdomen was more common in 2nd, 3rd, and 4th decade of life and in males. Acute appendicitis forms the commonest cause of acute abdomen. Hollow viscus perforation being the 2nd and intestinal obstruction forms the 3rd commonest cause of acute abdomen. Conclusion: In our study acute abdomen was found more commonly 2nd to 4th decade of life with male: female: 69:31. Most common presenting symptom was pain abdomen. The commonest cause being acute appendicitis. Commonest position of appendix was retrocaecal and pathological type was non-perforated inflamed appendix, for which emergency appendectomy was done and mortality was nil. Hollow viscus perforation 2nd commonest and intestinal obstruction was 3rd commonest cause of acute abdomen.

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