
Objectives: To audit the incidence and nature of post-anesthesia recovery room complications, their treatment and review the role of recovery room in modern anesthetic practice. Methods: 3151 patients who received general or regional anaesthesia were admitted to the recovery room during six months period (August 01, 1995 to January 31, 1996). Information noted on forms by recovery nurse by encircling the pre coded complication. Result: Out of 3151 patients, 2716 patient's data forms could be collected. Therefore results reflect 86% of the patients passing through the recovery. The overall incidence of complications in our population was 36.26%.Complications referable to CNS were 52.29%, the commonest of which was pain[51.26%], agitation (0.18%) and excessive drowsiness (1.01%).The second commonest system was GIT(25.07%) nausea (14.31%) and vomiting (12.18%). The third system was CVS (21.52%), bradycardia (5.48%), tachycardia (7.61%), hypertension (4.26%), hypotension (2.53%) ,myocardial ischaemia (0.81%) myocardia infarction (0.10%) and new arrhythmias (1.41%).The fourth system was Respiratory system (5.58%), hypoventilation (1.42%), bronchospasm (0.81%), and Desaturation (Sp02 < 90%) in (0.1%).0.6% patients had to be re-intubated. Two patients had oliguria. Miscellaneous complications were (9.94%). More than one complication was observed in some patients. The incidence of mortality in our study during this period was 0.10%. Conclusion: Every third patient is susceptible to get some form of complications in the immediate post-anesthesia recovery period. It reflects the importance and need of a specialized designated area called recovery room with qualified staff.

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