
One of the most dangerous health diseases affecting the world's population is diabetes mellitus (DM), and its diagnosis is the key to its treatment. Several methods have been implemented to diagnose diabetes patients. In this work, a hybrid model which combines of coyote optimization algorithm (COA) and least squares support vector machine (LS-SVM) is proposed to classify of Type-II-DM patients. LS-SVM classifier is applied for classification process but it's very sensitive when its parameter values are changed. To overcome this problem, COA algorithm is implemented to optimize parameters of the LS-SVM classifier. This is the goal of the proposed model called the COA-LS-SVM. The proposed model is implemented and evaluated using pima Indians diabetes dataset (PIDD). Also, it's compared with several classification algorithms that were implemented on the same PIDD. The experimental results demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed model and its superiority over other algorithms, as it could accomplish an average classification accuracy of 98.811%.

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