
An adapted method to the conventional per-pixel energy calibration technique is presented as a proof-of-concept using a Timepix3 (TPX3) detector to correct energy saturation effects that become present at high per-pixel energies. The correction is based on proton measurements at energies that generate this charge saturation. Its efficiency has been tested using measurements of ions produced at the Tandem Van de Graaff (VdG) accelerator at the University of Montreal (UdeM). The adapted calibration was found to improve the accuracy of energy reconstruction, while calibrated energy resolutions have been found to deteriorate. Energies given by the new calibration improve upon the conventional calibration by an average of 12.1% in the range of 1.2 MeV–7.8 MeV deposited at normal incidence in the sensor and by 30.4% for the energy range of 2.1 MeV–7.5 MeV deposited at 75∘ incidence.

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